Tablib Dataset Library v0.6.1 Released!

I'm pleased to announce a new Python module: [Tablib]( Tablib is a simple module for working with tabular datasets. It allows you create tables of data using standard Python datatypes, manipulate them, and easily export to Excel, JSON, YAML, and CSV.**Basic Usage**:

import tablib

headers = ('first_name', 'last_name', 'gpa')data = [('John', 'Adams', 90), ('George', 'Washington', 67)]

data = tablib.Dataset(*data, headers=headers)

You can maniuplate your data like a standard Python list:

>>> data.append(('Henry', 'Ford', 83))

>>> print data['first_name']['John', 'George', 'Henry']

>>> del data[1]

You can easily export your data to JSON, YAML, XLS, and CSV.

>>> print data.json[{"first_name": "John", "last_name": "Adams", "gpa": 90},{"first_name": "Henry", "last_name": "Ford", "gpa": 83}]

>>> print data.yaml- {age: 90, first_name: John, last_name: Adams}- {age: 83, first_name: Henry, last_name: Ford}

>>> print data.csvfirst_name,last_name,ageJohn,Adams,90Henry,Ford,83

>>> open('people.xls', 'w').write(data.xls)

Excel files with multiple sheets are also supported (via the `DataBook` object).

[[Source on GitHub](] [[PyPi Listing](]

Kenneth Reitz
Wandering street photographer, idealist, and moral fallibilist.

ShowMe v1.0.0 Released


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